Writing An Excuse Letter For School Due To Covid-19

Request for COVID19/Coronavirus Sick Leave Template
Request for COVID19/Coronavirus Sick Leave Template from www.wonder.legal

The Covid-19 pandemic has been a difficult time for everyone, including students. With the pandemic still ongoing, many students have had to miss school due to illness, quarantine, or just to stay home and stay safe. To prevent any repercussions from missing school, like being held back, students and their parents may need to write an excuse letter for school due to Covid-19. This letter can serve as a form of documentation for absences, helping the student to stay on track with their studies and avoid any negative consequences. Here is a guide on how to write an excuse letter for school due to Covid-19.

How to Write an Excuse Letter for School Due to Covid-19

Writing an excuse letter for school due to Covid-19 is not too difficult, but it is important that the letter is written correctly and contains all the necessary information. Here are some tips on what should be included in an excuse letter for school due to Covid-19:

1. Start with the Basics

Start the letter by introducing yourself and giving some basic information about the student and their situation. Include the student’s name, age, grade, and the reason for their absence from school. Make sure to include the dates of the absences as well. This information is important for the school to know in order to understand the situation.

2. Explain the Situation

After providing the basic information, go into more detail about the student’s situation. Explain why they had to miss school and provide any evidence to support your explanation. If the student was ill, you may need to include a doctor’s note or some other form of proof. If the student was quarantined, you may need to provide a copy of the quarantine order. The more detail you can provide, the better.

3. Apologize and Suggest Solutions

After explaining the situation, apologize for the student’s absence and suggest some solutions. Offer to provide any additional information or assistance that the school may need. Suggest any alternative methods of learning that the student can use to make up for the missed school time. This will show that you are taking the situation seriously and are trying to find a solution.

4. Ask for Understanding

Finally, ask for understanding and patience from the school. Covid-19 is an unprecedented situation and it is understandable that some students may fall behind in their studies due to absences. Ask the school to work with the student to ensure that they can catch up and be successful in their studies.

Sample Excuse Letters for School Due to Covid-19

Letter 1

Dear [School Name],

My name is [Name] and I am the parent of [Student Name], a [Grade] student at your school. I am writing to inform you that [Student Name] has been absent from school due to Covid-19 from [Dates]. [He/She] was [ill/quarantined] and [illness/quarantine] was confirmed by a doctor.

I apologize for the inconvenience and I am willing to provide any additional information or assistance that you may need. I understand that this is an unprecedented situation and I am willing to work with the school to come up with a plan to help [Student Name] catch up on any missed work. I appreciate your understanding and patience.



Letter 2

Dear [School Name],

My name is [Name] and I am the parent of [Student Name], a [Grade] student at your school. I am writing to inform you that [Student Name] has been absent from school due to Covid-19 from [Dates]. [He/She] was quarantined due to potential Covid-19 exposure and I have attached a copy of the quarantine order for your reference.

I apologize for the inconvenience and I am willing to provide any additional information or assistance that you may need. I understand that this is an unprecedented situation and I am willing to work with the school to come up with a plan to help [Student Name] catch up on any missed work. I appreciate your understanding and patience.



Letter 3

Dear [School Name],

My name is [Name] and I am the parent of [Student Name], a [Grade] student at your school. I am writing to inform you that [Student Name] has been absent from school due to Covid-19 from [Dates]. [He/She] was ill and I have attached a doctor’s note for your reference.

I apologize for the inconvenience and I am willing to provide any additional information or assistance that you may need. I understand that this is an unprecedented situation and I am willing to work with the school to come up with a plan to help [Student Name] catch up on any missed work. I appreciate your understanding and patience.



Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Excuse Letters for School Due to Covid-19

Q1: What should be included in an excuse letter for school due to Covid-19?

An excuse letter for school due to Covid-19 should include the student’s name, age, grade, and the reason for their absence from school. It should also include the dates of the absences and any evidence to support the explanation for the absences, such as a doctor’s note or a quarantine order. The letter should also apologize for the absences and suggest some solutions for catching up on missed work.

Q2: How long should an excuse letter for school due to Covid-19 be?

An excuse letter for school due to Covid-19 should be long enough to provide all the necessary information and explain the situation in detail. However, it should also be concise and to the point. Generally, an excuse letter for school due to Covid-19 should be no more than one page in length.

Q3: Who should write an excuse letter for school due to Covid-19?

An excuse letter for school due to Covid-19 should be written by the student’s parent or guardian. It is important that the letter is written by someone who is familiar with the student’s situation and can provide all the necessary information and evidence.

Q4: What should be the tone of an excuse letter for school due to Covid-19?

The tone of an excuse letter for school due to Covid-19 should be respectful and understanding. The letter should apologize for the absence and explain the situation in detail. It should also show that the student and their parent or guardian are willing to work with the school to find a solution and make up for any missed work.

Q5: What should be the conclusion of an excuse letter for school due to Covid-19?

The conclusion of an excuse letter for school due to Covid-19 should ask for understanding and patience from the school. It should also offer to provide any additional information or assistance that the school may need. Finally, it should suggest any alternative methods of learning that the student can use to make up for the missed school time.


Writing an excuse letter for school due to Covid-19 can be a daunting task, but it is necessary to ensure that the student is not held back or penalized for their absences. By following this guide, you can ensure that your letter is written correctly and contains all the necessary information. Remember to include the student’s name, age, grade, and the reason for their absence from school. Explain the situation in detail and provide any evidence to support your explanation. Apologize for the student’s absence and suggest some solutions. Finally, ask for understanding and patience from the school and offer to provide any additional information or assistance that the school may need.

Tags : Covid-19, Excuse Letter, School, Absence, Quarantine, Illness, Parent, Student, Grade, Evidence, Solutions, Understanding.

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